Wednesday, December 14, 2016

ly Adverbs...


I hope everyone is having a great day/night! Sorry, due to appointments, I didn't have the chance to post yesterday. Anyway, today's post is later than normal so I'll keep it as short as possible.. but will so make up for it tomorrow :)

Adverbs: 'ly' adverbs to be specific.. go through you ms and try to cut down or choose another/stronger verb in place of the 'ly'. If you're like me, until you have taken them out countless times where you're automatically on the look out for as many of them that you can find every time you go through editing, you'd be surprised how many of those pesky little adverbs are in your story. If though, you find one that can't be taken out or replaced by a strong verb comfortably enough for you, than leave it in. The main thing here is to be on the look out for them and try to reword/rework the sentence, like you hopefully did after reading the repeated words post. You can also add the adverbs you find to the list you're keeping.

Hope this helps :) Happy Writing!

PS: Tomorrow's post will be on showing vs telling, so stayed tuned to the blog!

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